The Ministry of Justice of Kosovo perceives Croatian experiences to strengthen the rule of law

A delegation from the Ministry of Justice of Kosovo, led by Minister Albulena Haxhiu, had a peer-to-peer visit to the Republic of Croatia, organized by EUKOJUST Programme.

The Kosovo delegation, consisted of representatives of the Ministry and EUKOJUST, first met with the Minister of Justice and Administration, Ivan Malenica. Various topics from the sphere of justice were discussed, such as the functioning and organization of the Ministry, the digitalization of the judiciary, the functioning of the witness support system, and the relationship and cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and independent institutions in the judiciary.

During the visit, Kosovo delegation had a meeting with the President of the State Judicial Council, Darko Maleković, and the Deputy President of the State Bar Council, prof. Ph.D. Elizabeta Ivičević Karas. Third day of the visit continued with meetings with the Chief State Attorney, the President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia, the President of the Constitutional Court, and the President of the Parliamentary Committee for the Judiciary. The Kosovar delegation valued the visit as useful, as it was a great opportunity to become familiar with the good practices of Croatian institutions in strengthening the rule of law.

Impakti jonë


Elina Doee


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