Free Legal Aid legal officers trained to represent victims of domestic violence

Raising the professional capacities of Free Legal Aid legal officers on the practical “Implementation of international and Kosovo legal framework on protection from domestic violence and developing soft skills on the dynamics of domestic violence situations” was the focus of a two-day training that was organized in coordination and cooperation with Agency for Free Legal Aid.

Seven Free Legal Aid (FLA) legal officers from all Kosovo regions and mobile offices attended the training held by the long-term EUKOJUST Project Expert for Public Legal Education / Domestic Violence and Marginalized Groups, Bardhë Krasniqi. The training “Implementation of international and Kosovo legal framework on protection from domestic violence” and the relevant material is adapted for and aims to equip FLA legal officers with the knowledge and skills they need to provide vital assistance to domestic violence victims on the following objective parts:

  • Understanding the dynamics of domestic violence,
  • Legal remedies for domestic violence,
  • Interviewing and counselling domestic violence victims,
  • Safety planning,
  • Working with law enforcement,
  • Cultural sensitivity,
  • Self-care and dealing with domestic violence victims’ traumas.

The training aimed to provide valuable information to FLA legal officers in assuring that domestic violence victims have profound access to the courts and legal remedies available to address various forms of domestic violence affecting victims’ rights and safety. In addition, access to justice is extended to the individuals who are involved in the victims’ life such as children or other family members.

The participants greatly appreciated this training and benefited both from a professional point of view and from the good experience of the trainer.

The training was held within the specific objective of the EUKOJUST project to strengthen access to justice for all citizens of Kosovo, especially in the area of ​​domestic violence and disadvantaged or marginalized groups – and is in line with the Strategy for the Rule of Law and with the Strategy for Protection from Domestic Violence and Violence against Women as well as their respective Action Plans.

Impakti jonë


Elina Doee


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