Developing abilities to recognize gender issues and capacities to comply with code of conduct

Training for the development of capacities of Kosovo Justice Academy (KJA) staff on gender issues and code of conduct based on international and national legal framework standards applicable to civil servants – was the focus of one-day training in Pristina. 22 KJA staff participated in the training conducted by EUKOJUST Long-Term Expert, Bardhë Krasniqi.

The aim of the training on “Gender Sensitivity and Code of Conduct in the workplace” is two folded. On the one hand, it aimed to develop abilities to recognize gender issues, especially the ability to recognize different perceptions about women and men and interests arising from their different social aspects and gender roles contribute to the ability to be gender sensitized in the workplace. On the other hand, it aimed to develop capacities to comply with the code of conduct principles and standards of comprehensive ethics that plays an important role in addressing ethical behaviour in the workplace and communicating behaviour expectations, its core values, mission, to create a healthy work culture in which employees feel as “being equally treated and working together”.

The participants positively evaluated the training from which they benefited both from a professional point of view and from the trainer’s good experience.

The training was organized within the specific objective of the EUKOJUST project to strengthen access to justice for all citizens in Kosovo.

Impakti jonë


Elina Doee


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