
Fifth Steering Committee meeting of EUKOJUST

Fifth Steering Committee meeting of the EU-funded EUKOJUST Project, was held on Monday, January 24, 2022 in Pristina in a hybrid format, by physical and online presence. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Minister of Justice, Mrs. Nita Shala.

Present at this meeting were also other voting right members: Mr. Albert Zogaj – Chair of the Judicial Council, Mr. Enver Peci – President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Jetish Maloku – Chair of the Prosecutorial Council, Mr. Enver Fejzullahu – Director of the Academy of Justice, Mr. Mentor Borovci – from the Office of the Prime Minister, Mr. Fehmi Stublla – Official Gazette.

The key topics of discussion were the activities and achievements of the Project during the 4th quarterly report covering the period October – December 2021.


Further enhancement of digitalization a cornerstone towards efficiency of courts and prosecution offices

The European Union/Kosovo Justice Sector Programme – EUKOJUST organized a hybrid format roundtable to present findings and recommendations from assessment reports on Information and Communication Technology (TIK) infrastructure, courtroom infrastructure and archives in courts and prosecution offices. 

The roundtable was attended by the Chair of the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC), Mr Albert Zogaj, Chair of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), Mr Jetish Maloku, European Union Office in Kosovo, representatives of the international stakeholders, courts and prosecution offices’ administrators and respective ICT and Archives departments of KJC and KPC. 

Further enhancement of the digitalization of courts and prosecution offices was underscored as a cornerstone towards the increase of efficiency, transparency and accountability of courts and prosecution offices to deliver justice. 

KPC and KJC chairs welcomed the organization of this roundtable and expressed their commitment to spearhead and support initiatives contributing to the digitalization of work processes in courts and prosecution offices.


Guiding the Process of Drafting Legal Acts

On 19 January 2022, EUKOJUST held a workshop on ‘Guiding the Process of Drafting Legal Acts’ with representatives of the Legal Office of the Prime Minister’s Office and academia. The purpose of the workshop was to clarify some basic questions relating to the elaborating of the Legislative Drafting Manual and of the update of the Approximation Manual as well as to discuss the next steps forward. Following constructive, vivid and focussed discussions, an expression of the high level of ownership of the representatives of the LO-OPM on the process, the participants agreed on the reference models for the Legislative Drafting Manual, the outline of the Manual, the topics which need update in the Approximation Manual as well as the next steps.