Supporting Access to Justice for vulnerable people and marginalized groups

At a Roundtable held on 2 December, EUKOJUST Access to Justice Expert, Alina Laura Matache presented a comprehensive Report on Access to Justice for vulnerable people and marginalized groups, focusing on people with disabilities, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians, and LGBTI community. The Report includes an analysis of the national legal framework with reference to international standards and conventions, the available mechanisms in place; access to judicial institutions for people with disabilities; information delivered in official languages and in the languages in official use; analysis of the costs, including court fees and time to deliver justice, and right to effective remedy.The roundtable was attended by institutional and civil society representatives and international organizations such as USAID, EULEX, and European Union Office/EU Special Representative. Speeches were delivered by the Ministry of Justice Cabinet’s Advisor, Nazlie Bala, Head of European Integration Department at Kosovo Judicial Council, Arlinda Krasniqi, Head of Kosovo Justice Academy, Enver Fejzullahu, Head of the Office of Good Governance/Prime Minister’s Office, Habit Hajredini, Head of Kosovo Disability Forum, Bujar Kadriu, Kosovo Association of the Blind, Mexhid Foniqi, Versitas, Sebastian Serifovic, Isak Skenderi, Director of Voices of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians (VoRAE) and Arber Nuhiu, Director of the Center for Social Group Development (CSGD). All stakeholders commended the Report as it presents a thorough analysis with tailored and concrete recommendations to increase trust in the justice sector and remove barriers to ensure access to justice for all citizens.

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Elina Doee


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