EUKOJUST presents the VPAO Assessment Report

The EUKOJUST project promotes good practices and empowers victims from vulnerable communities to approach and inquire services of Victims Protection and Assistance Office (VPAO). The Assessment Report presented today to Head of VPAO, Mr. Basri Kastrati, Victims’ Advocates, members of KPC, representatives from civil society and international organizations, highlighted the importance of strengthening and professionalizing the Office in charge of representing and protecting the victims’ rights.

The report, drafted by EUKOJUST Access to Justice Expert, Alina Matache and EUKOJUST Legal Advisor Nita Bejta, provided several recommendations such as tailoring and planning strategic training with a view to specialize the VAs on specific fields, providing adequate human resources and facilities to support the victims on one-to-one assistance, enabling gender balance in every regional office, providing mandatory training focused on victim-centered approach, introducing a system of quality control through the monitoring and evaluation of services provision, providing adequate information campaigns throughout the year, as well as introducing a form of complaints or grievances procedures, where victims or other actors can introduce a complaint for non-compliance with standards.

EUKOJUST is committed to provide future tailored capacity building activities focused on victim-centered approach, to bring closer the citizens to state institutions as to seek protection.

The project is about working with empathy in a coordinated manner with all institutions in the interest of improving access to justice for vulnerable people and marginalized groups, in accordance with victims’ individual needs.

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Elina Doee


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